"The Pearl of the Andes"

"The Pearl of the Andes"

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

The Culture of Tarma

There are many things to do and see in Tarma during the whole year, so it is almost impossible to get bored in this place. In this new post, we will talk about the rich culture of Tarma, and the sport and cultural activities.

Sport Events

In Tarma there is a variety of adventure sports events of national and international levels. Here, some of the contests:

·         “La trepada a Los Andenes de Huasahuasi” – Mountain Biking (June 28-29th).
·         “El Phoenix Power DH Cup” - Mountain Biking (July)
·         “El Open Tarma” - National Climbing (April 24-25th)
·   “Copa de los Andes Hotel Los Portales Tarma” - DOWN HILL Skateboarding Longboard (October 27-30th)
If you are interested in this championship check this link: http://www.dhtarma.com/

Tarma will host the “Pan American Mountainbike Championships”, where 500 athletes will join from more than 20 countries, all of them members. This event is going to take place in the district of Huasahuasi.

 Cultural Festivals

The majority of cultural events in Tarma are related to religious events.

- The day of “The Child of Tupin”. (1st)

-Tarma Carnival (extended to March 4-9th).

      -Tarma Easter week”  with typical carpets of flowers.
-The Tayta Inti Day (22nd)
-The Saint Juan festivity. (24th)
-Tarma Week and Independence day (21-29th)
 - The International Festitarmatraditional national holiday musical event.
-Santa Ana Festivity (26th)

- Celebration of “The Lord of Miracles”. (October)
- Tantawawa Festival of Tarma, dedicated to Andean Bread. (October 31st)

    - Day of Gratitude, a day commemorating its most famous son: The Ex-President of Peru, Manuel A. Odria. (Nov 25-28th)


Typical Dances

Among all the popular songs, Huayno clearly expresses the feeling and the life of the Tarma settlers. Huayno has its own musical characteristic and is sung and danced.

-“Cortamontes”: It’s the most popular festival. It is organized one year before when all the community choose the godparents who organize the event for the next year. It basically consists on dancing around a tree which is decorated with fruits, vegetables, liquor bottles, some clothes, etc. People have to dance around it listening Huayno music. People also are carrying an ax in order to cut the tree. When the tree falls down all of them try to get something from the tree. This festival is celebrated in carnivals.

-La Muliza: It is a poetic and musical composition unique in its kind whose origin is the "Vidalita" of Argentina. This name is related to the rhythm and cadence of the mules.  There is a festival of Mulizas during the carnival celebration.

-Vals: It was also grown in Tarma with a unique flavor of this region. "Bella Tarma" is a classic which belongs to F.O. Palpa and Antidio Rojas.

Touristic Places:

  •         Santa Ana’s Cathedral. 
The Cathedral of Santa Ana de Tarma was built in 1954 in the government of Manuel A. Odria. It has a neoclassical architectural style. The altar is the image of Santa Ana. Inside there are two crypts with the remains of President Manuel A.Odria and Bishop Lorenzo Odria. It is fully restored and receives maintenance inside, outside, the gardens and structures. During the holidays at Easter and in October, holidays are made of colorful and beautiful carpets of wildflowers.

·         Santa Maria’s Ranch 

This old house belonged to the family Santa Maria since more than 200 hundred years ago . Located 5 minutes from the city of Tarma, in the district of Sacsamarca (Junin), less than 240 km east (140 miles) of Lima. The architecture of the large house is a clear example of the architectural style of the 18th and 19th century. It was declared a Historical Monument in the 80’s. The ranch house has two floors of mud and wood with wide corridors and courtyards. The interior is regally furnished with a collection of furniture from different eras. Opposite the house there are meeting rooms and auditorium and behind those areas there are gardens and fields. In this place worked the first house Prefecture of Tarma.

In the back side of the ranch you can find a big garden, a nice place to get relaxed surrounded by a lot of kind of flowers.
  • TarmaTambo 
It is in a section of Qapaq Nan or Inca Trail. It is made of mud and stone buildings arranged in the slopes of a hill which constituted the major Inca administrative center of this area. It presents administrative areas, squares, residential areas, aclla wasi (house of maidens), cultivation terraces (sun and people), colcas (in which were stored tribute to Inca), chullpas or burial structures and a wide network of irrigation canals. Between 1480 and 1533, it was the center of Inca administration, between 1533 and 1538 Spanish settlement. It was declared Cultural Patrimony of the Nation on January 29, 2002. 

  • Huagapo’s Grotto 
Huagapo's Grotto is considered the deepest in South America, Huagapo is a Quechua word that means Crying Grotto. Inside visitors are going to find figures like crocodile, horse, skull, etc. All of them made of rocks. At the entrance there are cave paintings. The entrance to the cave is located on the hillside Racashmarca. Inside the cave there were several expeditions ​​ in the years 1969 (1000 m), 1972 (1500 m), 1978 (2400 m), 1994 (2787 m). It is known as the Grotto that cries because the ancient Taramas left their wives and children inside the cave, and go fight against the Incas. They made a promise, their wives and children could not leave the cave until they return. Taramas lost the battle and their families never went out. The cave is now in good conditions.

  This could be the best adventure experience that you can ever have!! You can get exhausted at the end of the visit. 
  • Muruhuay’s Sanctuary 

Muruhuay derived from two Quechua voices: Muru: variety of colors; Huay: home. Meaning is house of colors. The style of the Sanctuary is Art Nouveau. IT is located on the hillside Shalacoto, the present building dates from 1972 and was designed by architect Kristián Telge Telge of Swiss nationality. The image of Lord Muruhuay is on one rock in the left side of the sanctuary. The holiday is celebrated during the month of May. For the Holidays there are numerous bands and orchestras, dances, festivals, fireworks displays. The finding of the Lord Muruhuay was on May 3, 1825, since then the faith and devotion to the image have been growing.
  • Cachipozo
Cachipozo consists of 2 small salt-water wells, which have been exploited since the Paleolithic era to the present. Cachipozo is in the natural region “janca” or “puna”. It is in good conditions and has been protected and modified through the construction. There is a legend about the origin of Cachipozo. It reports that the wells represent a pair of lovers who fled elsewhere transformed into doves and their tears formed two pools. The pool that represents the male is the one with higher salt concentration.

When you visit this place, you can participate in a ritual which consist to drink a sip of one of the wells (If the person is male has to drink from the female well and viceversa) and make a wish to find the true love. Then the person puts coca leafs in a little altar.

  • The town of San Pedro de Cajas
San Pedro de Cajas was created as a district on November 2, 1932. It lies at an altitude of 4.014 meters, it has a cold climate. The comunity allow visitors to enter in their craft workshops in order to see in situ how the carpets are made. All this products are exported to international markets. The name of the town comes from the word “Gagash” that means Clay. “San Pedro de Cajas” is very good in the art of tapestry with landscapes and human motifs. The production of carpets, sweaters, blankets and so on, is done using cotton fibers, wool, alpaca, sheep dyed naturally. The town's patron is St. Peter. June 29 is the main day of celebrations of their patron.

You can have the opportunity to learn the process to make carpets and other kind of crafts.

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